Monday, August 27, 2012

A {Home Office} Design Board

Hi!  I'm back!!!  Sorry for the lack of posts on the blog and status updates on Facebook.  I took an unexpected {but much needed} time off.  Summer is quickly coming to an end and the beginning of a new school year is just around the corner.  I ended up taking the last couple of weeks off to relax and spend with the family before the kids head back to school and life became hectic routine again.  I'm sure many of you can understand and totally relate.  Well it's now two weeks later, I'm rejuvenated and ready to get back to business.  So, if you are reading this... thanks so much for checking in!!!

Here is a design board  I put together for a home office.  I went with a neutral color palette with lots of cream, white and gray plus just a hint of yellow.  This is still one of my favorite color combinations.  Not sure if I will ever get tired of it.

I realized as I was putting this design board together that I must have had geometric shapes on my brain.  This is totally evident in the pillows, curtain panels and artwork.  Even the rug had an abstract sort of geometric spiral thingy going on.

Of course I included the obvious desk, chair and storage|shelving unit but I also wanted to add a little sitting area to this home office.  If you have the space it is always nice to add an area where you can sit, relax and unwind at the end of the day with a good book, or in my case magazine and a nice glass of wine.  

So, what do you think?  Leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts.  I would love to hear from you. 

A Design Board {aka mood board} is the perfect inspiration plan for any design.  I hope you find my design boards inspirational.  Design Boards can help in envisioning what a space can potentially look like.  Design Boards are just one of the design services I offer.  If you're interested in your own personalized design board or just want more information about my design services, please contact me at for more details & rates.

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